Health Engagement and Assessment Teams 911 Follow Up (HEAT)
Health Engagement and Assessment Teams 911 Follow Up (HEAT)
City implementation partners: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Fire Department Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Health Engagement and Assessment Teams (HEAT), comprised of a behavioral health professional and a peer, is a time-limited case management intervention initially launched in late 2018 geared towards individuals exhibiting health or behavioral health needs that can benefit from peer engagement and support. The program is designed to help individuals remain connected to their communities and assist them in obtaining the care and services they need to remain healthy. The expansion of HEAT allows the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to extend their services to people served by the Behavioral Health Emergency Assistance Response Division (B-HEARD), as needed, including follow-up care for everyone who is served by B-HEARD in their homes. The expansion also allows HEAT to proactively engage New Yorkers who most frequently call 911 and are transported to a hospital by the Fire Department (FDNY) Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Data will be reported in Fiscal Year 2022
unique New Yorkers required 911-EMS response and transport to a hospital more than 3 times in a single month in a May 2021 analysis by FDNY.